Living Green Facebook Page

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Saturday, October 8, 2016


Seven world-famous transformation teachers are
delivering a live video broadcast revealing their
secrets to help you - and it's all freeeee!!

This happens tomorrow!!!

Go here right now --

Here’s what you need to know:

1) This LIVE global VideoCast will be hosted by the
remarkable Mary Morrissey, one of the world’s foremost
experts on how to align with the Invisible Laws of
Success, to turn your dreams into your reality… and FAST

2) Mary will be joined by special guests Bob Proctor,
Dr. Joe Vitale (me!), John Assaraf, Sonia Ricotti and
Bill Harris (it’s rare that 6 of the world’s most
celebrated luminaries gather in one place like this!)

3) When you tune in, you’ll discover how to turn your
challenges into your greatest blessings, fall madly
in love with yourself and take a quantum leap into
a life you love (no matter where you are now)

There’s still time for you to reserve your seat,
but I urge you to HURRY…as this starts in the morning!

Do it!


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