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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Dementia/Alzheimer's: When your loved one will not eat!

I have posted before that my husband and I care for my mom in our home. And I can attest the Dementia journey is a rollercoaster ride of emotions I would not wish on anyone. One of the many ugly symptoms of this horrid disease is your loved one not wanting to eat. And I mean not wanting to eat anything at all.

When we first encountered this it was very distressing to me. I was watching my mother wither away going from a healthy 120 pounds to 98 pounds very quickly. We struggled with her daily to just eat anything. I knew I had to do something before it was too late. Our doctor told us this is just part of this process. There were two choices continue to struggle to get her to eat anything I could or a feeding tube. I dreaded the thought of a feeding tube. So we went on the hunt to find anything we could that may help her.

Of course Boost was the first pick! We bought high calorie boost by the cases and we were able to get her to drink them. But quite frankly they were not enough! So I had gone to GNC and found a few different high calorie shake mixes and decided to mix the boost with them. Well that did not work out she hated the taste. We even tried adding fruit and syrups to the mix it was a no go.

So I continued on with my search. We finally have settled on something she will drink and something I blend up with the Boost every day for her. Our last Doctor's appointment mom was back up to 106 pounds. Over the course of time we noticed she was eating more as well. Now I will point out we will still go through days here and there where she does not want anything to eat but at least I know she is getting the vitamins and minerals she needs through the shakes we give her everyday. Of course before making a purchase of any thing like this for your loved one please check with your doctor.

We had been buying ours at a local store at a hefty price of 16.00 for 20 oz's of shake mix. but then I found this!

Now The Boost we get is 360 calories and we buy it at our local store for about 10.00 a six pack.
But we have found something that may be even better. this one has 530 calories in it.

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