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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Click here to read Avocados: Healthy Fat for a Healthy Brain As a care giver to my mom who has advanced Dementia brain health has become a huge part of my life. The latest states shoe that 5.4 million people on this planet suffer from Dementia/Alzheimer. And it is estimated that by 2050 there will be over 13 million people who will suffer from this horrible illness. These figures are staggering to me. I have dug deep to try to find out what the cause may be and seems there is no pinpoint reason for it. And to date although frequency treatments are being explored I have read of nothing about a cure. As scientist struggle to understand Dementia/Alzheimer we must try to move forward with the devastation it causes for not only the person who has it but the family who cares for them. In future posts I will be sharing my personal journey with Mom. A vibrant women at one time who spent her life caring and giving to others.

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