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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shaklee We're about shared success

Thanks to great vision and smart business practices, we're a very profitable company. But that's not the only way we measure our success. We also measure it by how many people's lives we help make better off than before. While most businesses thrive on competition, we ask the question, "Why can't success depend on sharing?" It works like this. You're rewarded for sharing healthy, earth-friendly Shaklee products with others. You're rewarded even more by helping others to do the same. So that the more successful those people become, the more you benefit. And sure, the more we benefit. Because sharing makes everyone's share more valuable. In fact, we've paid out over $3 billion in commissions. Billion with a "b." What are you waiting for? Join Now Click here But there's more to it than sharing financial reward. We're sharing products and a way of life that truly make people and the planet healthier. We believe this is the start of a revolutionary business and social model. One that will demonstrate how businesses can help solve many of the world's most pressing problems.

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