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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A letter from Dr Jamie McManus Hunger Management


® Inspiration Tip: Hunger Management

Are you hungry? Sounds like a simple question, doesn’t it? But the honest truth is - most of us

have forgotten what it’s like to listen to our bodies and eat in response to true biological hunger.

By definition, hunger is "the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need for food."

It's a signal from your body that it needs food for energy. When you’re truly hungry, your stomach,

brain, or both will send signals that it’s time to eat – your stomach may growl, you may have

trouble concentrating or feel fatigued. True hunger does not go away over time - it only gets

worse. And

any food will satisfy your hunger and take your hunger signals away.

We were born with the innate ability to eat when we were hungry and stop when we were

comfortable. However, as we grow up we tend to lose that innate sense and eat in response to

our environmental triggers. We quickly learn that sometimes it’s better to eat everything on the

plate instead of struggle with mom or dad, or that we should suffer through a plate of broccoli so

we can have dessert. We learn to eat because food smells good, it’s “lunch time” or because

we’re bored. We learn to ignore our own body signals and eat whether we are truly hungry, or


So do you know what your biological signals for hunger are? Is it a mild stomach growling? An

empty feeling inside, or is it something else? If you’ve forgotten what true hunger feels like, take

some time to track whether or not you’re eating in response to true hunger and stopping when

you’re comfortable. Use the following hunger/satiety chart to help assess what hunger level you

usually are when you start eating and at what level you stop eating.


Thanksgiving stuffed


So full it hurts


Feeling quite full


Starting to feel uncomfortable


slightly ate too much


Just right, you feel comfortable


First signs it’s time to eat


Strong signs that it’s time to eat


Very hungry, cranky


Extremely hungry, dizzy and weak

If you start eating at a “5” or higher you are most likely eating for external reasons and not

because you are biologically hungry. On the other hand if you have waited too long to eat and

you start eating at a “1” or a “2” you are probably “over hungry” which can lead to overeating. The

goal is to starting eating at a “3” or “4.”

When you’ve finished eating, use the scale again to assess at what level you usually stop eating.

If you stop at a “6” or above you are overeating. You should aim to stop eating at a “5,” when you

are feeling perfectly comfortable. At this level you have taken in the right amount of food to

nourish your body but not so much that it will be stored as fat.

A letter from Dr Jamie McManus The Importance of Self Monitoring


® Inspiration Tip: The Importance of Self Monitoring

Self monitoring by keeping daily food and activity records is critical to changing eating and

exercise habits. Keeping a daily record gives you an increased awareness of your personal habits

so that you can identify problems that need to be addressed as well as see what great progress

you’re making in improving the way you eat and how active you’re becoming.

Here are some tips on starting and maintaining a daily food and activity journal.

Track several different types of information in your food and activity journals. For example, in

addition to writing down what you’re eating and how much, consider tracking the following:


Time of Day – record the time of day you start and stop eating.


Place – record the eating place (i.e. kitchen, office, car, restaurant)


With Whom – record who you ate with (i.e. family member, friend, co-worker)


Your Mood – record how you were feeling at the time (i.e. happy, sad, bored, tired,



Hunger/Fullness Level – rate your level of hunger on a scale of 1 to 5 before eating and

after you stop eating (1 being extremely hunger to 5 being full).


Associated Activity – record what you were doing while you were eating (i.e. watching

T.V., on the computer, driving, nothing)

When it comes to physical activity tracking, time of day, type of activity and how you felt during

and after your activity can be helpful.

If you prefer a more “high tech” way of self monitoring, consider using an online support tool like not only has a food and activity tracking tool, but a whole

host of features to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Remember, food and activity journals are for your personal use. No one else has to see them; no

one else will judge them. Their primary purpose is to help you focus on why or why not, when and

how much you eat and exercise.

A letter from Dr Jamie McManus Choosing the Right Physical Activity


® Inspiration Tip: Choosing the Right Physical Activity

Achieving your weight loss goals requires a change in lifestyle. Most experts recommend at least

30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week. This can


structured activities - like walking, running, basketball, or other sports - or daily activities -

like doing household chores, yard work, or walking the dog. Picking a combination of both

structured and daily activities that fit your schedule tends to work best.

To help you choose the right activity, start by thinking about what you enjoy doing the most. The

more you enjoy it, the more likely you’ll do it regularly. Next, give some thought to your particular

style of doing things. Do you prefer organized activities or something more casual? Do you like to

do things on your own or enjoy being part of a group? Depending on your style you may want

consider these options:

Exercising alone – this is a good option if your busy schedule prevents you from planning a

regular time to be active every day. It definitely requires self-motivation, so be sure you have the

desire to follow through.

Finding a training buddy – having an exercise partner helps by making you accountable to

more than just yourself. This may make it more likely that you’ll keep your commitment to

exercise regularly, because you won’t want to let your training buddy down.

Participate in a team sport or group physical activity program – organized activities offer

the chance to widen your social circle and can keep you motivated because you’ll feel part of “the

team.” However, training sessions and regular matches can also demand a lot of your time so

make sure this option fits into your lifestyle.

Also remember to be realistic about your current health and level of fitness. If you’re a beginner,

the physical demands of some activities (like running) may be too much at first. Start with an

easier activity like walking and plan to work your way up. If necessary, start slow – 10-15 minutes

a day and work your way up to 30 minutes, most days of the week.

It also helps to choose a variety of different activities to help keep you interested. Always listen

carefully to your body. If at any time you experience unusual symptoms - dizziness, chest

discomfort or pain while exercising - stop the activity and consult your physician. And last but not

least, get support! Encourage your family and friends to support you and be a part of a more

active lifestyle. Form a walking group with coworkers or friends, play with your children outside, or

take a dance class with your brother or sister. Not only will you improve your own health but you’ll

be making a difference in the lives of others.

A letter from Dr Jamie McManus CINCH

A letter from
Dr Jamie McManus

® Inspiration Tip: Goals and Expectations

Setting realistic goals is an essential part of losing weight. Goals help you know

what you want

from your weight loss journey,

where you are going, and what you are willing to do to get there.

Goal setting is accomplished through these three steps:

1. First, create a mental picture of where you are now, and where you want to be. Use

photographs of yourself, both at your current weight, and at your ideal weight. Make this

very concrete.

2. Second, write down your goals to add clarity and dimension.

3. The third step is to take action towards the achievement of your goals.


- Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time driven

(SMART) goals from the beginning of your Program is essential to your success. Here is what we

mean by SMART goals:


- Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what you want to happen. Instead of

setting a goal to lose weight or be healthier, set a specific goal to lose 2 lbs per week or take off 2

inches on your waistline, or to walk 5 miles at a challenging pace.


- If you can't measure it, you won’t be able to manage it. For weight loss or inch loss

you can measure it by the numbers on a scale or tape measure, or even a change in clothing



- Your goal should stretch you slightly but just enough to feel like you can accomplish

it with a real commitment. For example, if you set a goal to lose 20 lbs in one week, we know that

isn’t achievable, but setting a goal to lose 1 – 2 lbs per week is.


- Realistic doesn’t mean “easy.” Realistic, in this case, means "do-able." A goal of never

again eating sweets, cakes, and chocolate may not be realistic for someone who really enjoys

these foods. But, it may be more realistic to set a goal of eating a piece of fruit each day instead

of one sweet item.

Time Driven

- Setting a timeline for reaching your goal (i.e. in a week or over 12 weeks) will

provide an end point and a clear target to work towards. If you don't set a time, the commitment

will be too vague and lack a sense of urgency. Setting a clear timeline will help you to start taking

action right away.

So get a SMART start on your Cinch transformation, and set goals that will help you to make a

difference for your health and your life, through safe and healthy weight loss. And remember,

Shaklee is there to support you every step of the way!

What are you waiting for let Cinch help you lose fat and help you kepp muscle.


Living Green:products That Will Help Keep Your Family Safe

Living Green:products That Will Help Keep Your Family Safe

Start living green to save the planet and help your family become more healthy click link above for full article.

Meet Some of The Top Athletes Who Use Shaklee

Meet Some of The Top Athletes Who Use Shaklee

Who does Shaklee help click link above to learn more

Here is The Truth About Online Business.....and The Shaklee Difference!!

Here is The Truth About Online Business.....and The Shaklee Difference!!
Click link above to change your life

Losing Weight After 40!!!!!!!!!

Losing Weight After 40!!!!!!!!!

How to lose weight after 40 click link above

Since Starting Shaklee Cinch Weight Loss Program I Have Lost Seven Lbs at Age 41

Since Starting Shaklee Cinch Weight Loss Program I Have Lost Seven Lbs at Age 41

My Shaklee weight loss story click link above for full article

Cellular Anti-aging

Cellular Anti-aging

Want to learn more about feeling and looking younger? Click the link above

Shaklee Milestones & Environmental Achievements

Shaklee Milestones & Environmental Achievements

Check out what this company is doing to save our planet click the link above

Shaklee Products Always Work

Shaklee Products Always Work

See full article by clicking link above

Cinch | Healthmad

Cinch | Healthmad

Check out my article about for your weight loss needs

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cinch® Inspiration Tip: Supermarket Survival Skills

Cinch will help you lose weight

Cinch® Inspiration Tip: Supermarket Survival Skills

Making healthy food choices starts in the grocery store. However shopping can be a challenging

task with the hundreds of thousands of items to choose from. Doing it right can take time and

unfortunately most of don’t have the time we need to read thousands and thousands of food

labels. So to help you survive your next trip to the super market here are some suggestions to

help you make the best choices possible.

1. Start by shopping the “square” first. If you’ve ever noticed most grocery stores are

arranged about the same. The freshest foods tend to be placed around the perimeter of

the store “the square”. That’s where you will find the produce, the milk and other dairy

foods, the meat (poultry, fish and all the rest) and the breads.

2. Your first stop should be the produce section. And if you are going to spend your time

at the store, spend most of it there. Choose lots of fresh fruits and vegetables because

they are generally low in calories, high in fiber and contain an abundance of vitamins and

minerals. Dark green and deep orange-yellow fruits and vegetables are better choices

than pale colored produce.

3. When cruising by the dairy products, choose non-fat or 1% fat products. They can be

a great way to get quality protein, calcium and vitamin D without too many calories. If you

are a soy milk drinker, you will probably find the ready to drink, refrigerated soy milk there

too. Look for a low fat version.

4. As you swing through the meat section – that’s where you’ll find some great, lean

protein rich foods. Diets higher in protein may aid in weight loss because studies suggest

that protein helps control hunger. However, be sure to choose the leanest sources of

protein – skinless chicken or turkey breast meat, extra lean ground beef, and extra lean

ground turkey made from white meat are your best bets. If you’re a vegetarian don’t

forget to go back to the produce aisle to pick up some tofu.

5. Follow your nose on to the bakery section - Look for the whole grain breads that are

high in fiber and low in fat - 100% whole wheat bread, pitas and tortillas are your best

choices. Try not to focus on the unhealthy stuff that may linger there (muffins, donuts,

scones, etc.).

6. Once you’ve shopped the square make your brief trip to the inner aisles to grab

some brown rice, whole grain cereal and other staples (toilet paper, tooth paste etc) that

you might need.


"Basic H" This little 16 oz bottle creates an unbelievable 48 gallons of super-safe, really powerful, all purpose cleaner. We challenge you to use it up any time soon to clean everything from spilled milk, to bug guts on the window, to splattered spaghetti sauce. Now go, get cleaning.

Here are just 10 of the uses of Basic H (These techniques and more can be located on the net)
Basic H2 as toothpaste: Add a few drops to your toothpaste to avoid bad breath
Basic H2 as a glove: Just put it on your hands to protect your skin
Basic H2 as a pesticide: for organic gardens
Basic H2 as Miracle-Gro: add a few drops to the water you use to water your plants
Basic H2 as a produce wash
Basic H2 as a diaper wash
Basic H2 as Rain-X

As well as clean your house from top to bottom. This is a Green Product and will help you avoid using harmful cleaning products in your home. Keep you and your family safe.

There are a ton of uses out on the net.

Environmental Law and Policy at Yale University Dan Esty

Vitalizer Changing Brands Can Change Your Life

Vitalizer is the most advanced multinutrient supplement in the marketplace today with 80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life.* Vitalizer is the powerful and convenient approach to complete supplementation providing the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics*, all in one daily serving.
 Custom formula created specifically for today's healthy active woman
 Patent-pending delivery system designed to enhance absorption of key nutrients
 Based on 12 clinical studies and a first-of-its-kind Landmark Study
Vitalizer Women is formulated with key nutrients to help meet the specific health needs of today's healthy, active woman including benefits for*:
• Bone health—high in calcium and vitamins D and K
• Breast health—with more vitamin D**
• Heart health—with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E
• Immune health—high in vitamins C and D, plus zinc
• Physical energy—high in all eight essential B vitamins
• Reproductive health—high in folic acid, iron, and calcium
• Digestive health—with probiotics
• Healthy hair, skin, and nails—with vitamins A and C, plus biotin and omega-3 fatty acids
Every Vitamin + Minerals Your Body Needs
• Bio-optimized nutrients for optimum absorption
• High potency to fuel your body's most vital functions
• 100% or more of the Daily Value of all vitamins
• All eight essential B vitamins, including biotin
• Higher levels of vitamin D3, the most potent form of vitamin d
Most Powerful Antioxidant Spectrum*
• Helps protect cells, tissues, and organs against aging*
• Superior protection against free radical damage*
• Full-spectrum vitamin E from all eight natural forms
• 26 antioxidants working together to augment your body's antioxidant network*
• New triple-berry blend, an exclusive source of polyphenols
All 7 Omega-3 Fatty Acids
• Help reduce the risk of heart disease**, also promotes brain and joint health*
• High potency EPA and DHA
• Ultra-pure, pharmaceutical grade
• Contains natural fish oil derived from small, cold-water fish
• Certified sustainable by Friend of the Sea
Guaranteed Superactive Probiotics
• Support healthy digestion and immunity*
• Extensively studied active cultures
• Patent-pending delivery system

The Roots of Shaklee & Dr Forrest C Shaklee, Founder

Let's talk about your life Dreams Where is it you really want to be in life. Healthy, Wealthy, Happy? I help save this planet, promote health and make an income in the process. Talk about good Karma. I joined Shaklee to make a difference and that is exactly what I have achieved. Are you driven to provide a better life for you and your family? Are you looking for a business that will change your life? And how great would it be to work for a company who cares about you and your family as well as the Planet we live on? I am sharing with you today a chance to be a part of this. This is worth checking out

Let's talk about your life Dreams and the Shaklee Difference!!!!

Join me now

Shaklee's 2008 Carbon Neutral Protocol

Shaklee's 2008 Carbon Neutral Protocol
Join me at a company who cares about our world

Shaklee is 100% carbon neutral.
The greenhouse gas inventories for 2008 covering all Shaklee operations worldwide include US, Canada, Japan, China, Mexico and Taiwan, were reviewed by a third party, Econergy International, in accordance with the World Resources Institute protocol for all six Kyoto-defined greenhouse gases. Shaklee set operational boundaries for the inventory of its worldwide greenhouse gas emissions and worked with Econergy International to calculate the carbon footprint from Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
The total amount of Shaklee's greenhouse gas emissions from worldwide operations in 2008 was measured and converted to metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Shaklee has partnered with Green Mountain Energy Company to offset its small carbon footprint in North America and Asia with funding for alternative energy and carbon sequestration projects.
The projects include Green-e certified renewable energy credits (Texas wind projects) and methane capture for the U.S., Canada and Mexico carbon footprints, plus a China wind project for the China, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia carbon footprints. Shaklee's combined carbon footprints from operations in China, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia were offset with the purchase of 1,298 metric tons of wind power in China validated to follow the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change criteria for the Clean Development Mechanism protocol.
Located in the Heilongjiang Province of northeast China, the wind project will diversify power mix in China's northeast power grid and will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution by taking the place of coal-fired power plants.

Cinch will help you lose weight

Cinch will help you lose weight® Inspiration Tip: Maintaining Healthy Habits
To maintain your weight and transition to wellness, vigilance and a long term commitment are in
order. Start by reassessing your calorie needs to maintain that weight. Your height, age, current
weight, and activity level all need to be considered when determining your new calorie needs.
Use to recalculate how many calories you need to maintain your new,
healthier weight. Then use these additional strategies to help turn your new and improved healthy
eating and exercise habits into permanent lifestyle changes:
Regularly review the personal benefits of losing weight and getting fit that you first
identified. This can keep you motivated and committed.
Continue making small, realistic steps in changing lifestyle patterns. Remember that even
the smallest change makes a difference and helps you make the next small change
Acknowledge your accomplishments on a daily basis.
Reward yourself for the successful changes you make at any time.
Continue to actively problem-solve and contract with yourself for behavior change.
Make a commitment to keep a food and exercise journal. People who do this regularly
are most successful.
Anticipate challenges before they occur and visualize how to deal with them in a healthy
Continue to use Cinch Shakes, Meal-in-a-Bars, and Snack Bars as part of healthy diet.
They are nutritious, delicious and convenient and should be used as desired.
Transition from Cinch 3-in-1 Boost™ to Shaklee Vitalizer™ as the foundation for a more
comprehensive wellness program.
Remember that temporary setbacks are part of life. Live with them, learn from them, and
then get right back on track
Basic H
This little 16 oz bottle creates an unbelievable 48 gallons of super-safe, really powerful, all purpose cleaner. We challenge you to use it up any time soon to clean everything from spilled milk, to bug guts on the window, to splattered spaghetti sauce. Now go, get cleaning.
Order Now:

1. Stop living in a toxic home
Some of the most questionable chemicals
used regularly in household products are ammonia,
chlorine, phenols, dichlorobenzene, and formaldehyde
and can be found under your kitchen sink.
Basic-H is nontoxic and safe for your family.
2. Eliminate your ammoniabased
window cleaner
Basic-H cleans windows without streaking
while being a great alternative to leading
3. Everything and the
kitchen sink
Basic-H cleans it all from kitchens and
bathrooms to appliances, woodwork,
mirrors, painted walls, and floors —
it even does windows, so toss those
single-purpose cleaners like sink and
tile cleaners.
4. Removes the
From lipstick on a linen napkin to
crayons on a painted wall, full-strength
Basic-H comes to the rescue.
5. On the cutting edge
A few drops on your knife sharpener keep
knives extra sharp. Be sure to rinse knives
thoroughly after sharpening.
6. Does odd jobs
Two tablespoons of Basic-H in a bucket of hot
water lifts off old wallpaper. One tablespoon in a
half gallon cleans sticky paintbrushes. Just soak
for 24 hours and rinse in hot tap water.
7. Saves money
Diluted with water as directed, one 32-oz.
bottle of Basic-H equals nine 22-oz. bottles
of Simple Green®, 4,608 32-oz. bottles
of Windex®, or 188 32-oz. bottles of
8. Camping and
travel companion
A sample-size bottle of Basic-H is all
you need to keep clothes, dishes, and
everything else clean. And you’ll help
by keeping the great outdoors
9. Easy on the Planet
Biodegradable and environmentally
friendly, Basic-H handles even hardto-
clean jobs without phosphates,
borates, nitrates, corrosive chemicals,
or toxic fumes.
10. Less in the landfill
Basic-H is concentrated, so you’ll
use fewer bottles of cleaning products
throughout the year.
Nontoxic, high performance, economical, and great for the planet.

Vivix® Slow Aging at the Cellular Level™*
Slow Aging at the Cellular Level™*
Global cutting-edge research in the fight against cellular aging and
years spent in partnership with leading scientists have culminated
in Vivix—a scientific breakthrough from Shaklee. Only Vivix contains
both resveratrol and a proprietary phytonutrient blend. This
blend harnesses the powerful antioxidant properties of rare muscadine
grapes and has been shown to be 10X more effective than
resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging.*

Cleck here to learn more and order yours today

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Water, is yours healthy?

Our drinking water can be filled with all types of unhealthy contaminates. So what do we do we buy bottled water. Guess what it may be just as bad. Click the link below for one of the best water filtration systems on the market.

Let's talk about your life Dreams and the Shaklee Difference!!!!


The Shaklee Difference



Let's talk about your life Dreams Where is it you really want to be in life. Are you Healthy, Wealthy, Happy?  I help save this planet, promote health and make an income in the process. Talk about good Karma. I joined Shaklee to make a difference and that is exactly what I have achieved. Are you driven to provide a better life for you and your family? Are you looking for a business that will change your life? And how great would it be to work for a company who cares about you and your family as well as the Planet we live on? I am sharing with you today a chance to be a part of this. This is worth checking out